Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Rebonding, hair straightening and the use of various chemicals on the hair have caused increased level of variety of reactions to the health of the hair. Our experts at LIASC however does no t in any way suggest that all the stated reasons are the causes of global hair fall and poor health conditions of the hair. We are however of the belief that cheap use of products which lack quality do cause serious deterioration for the hair.

Today in the world of marketing and presentation, a person’s outlook and image has taken a lot of importance. People today have become increasingly conscious of the way they attire and present themselves. A lot of attention and say experimentation is done with the hair especially in case of women. Exposure to increased degrees of heat pressures frequently as in case of hair straightening and blow drying do has adverse effects in the long term.

However we at LIASC monitoring the adverse situations have formulated solutions which not only retain the natural finesse and strength of your hair but give them the glow which your hair naturally deserves. A lot of our Middle Eastern clients have repeatedly asked us of the strength affairs of the hair and their hair fall solutions.

It is without doubt however stated that we at LIASC have conducted a lot of successful hair transplants for our Middle East clients as well, but we have advised time and again that maintenance of the hair is of prime importance after the transplant. Too much exposure and rough management of the hair can still damage the hair and cause the adverse procedure to repeat itself. Hence transplant or no transplant it is our request to our clients globally and especially those residing in the Middle Eastern extreme climate to manage the health of their hair effectively and naturally.


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