Thursday, 31 October 2013

A lot has been discussed on the forum about hair care, possible treatments and alternatives to developing healthy and captivating beautiful hair. Similarly queries and questions have been answered by the experts at LIASC about the deteriorating hair conditions and precautions or treatment desired. However the problem isn’t a simple one and has a variety of configurations which need to be addressed keeping in mind the different genetics, way of life, environment and the treatment or circumstances the hair is exposed to.

Transplantation at LIASC has been a successful solution globally for the absolute loss of hair and has borne effective fruit for the people who suffered badly from hair loss. However various alternative treatments have been innovated at LIASC for dealing with a variety of hair problems. We specifically have recently taken the Middle East market and conducted successful transplantations to date. However the thing to keep in mind and aware our dear clients is that a transplant is not always the solution and even if it’s done, it requires certain measures or precautions which need to be taken to ensure sustenance of the hair.

A lot of debate and research is being done on the water used to wash the hair and whether the desalinated water has any adverse effect on the quality of hair or not. People around the Middle East have shown a lot of inclination towards the effect of this water on the hair and proposed whether a different form of water containing less mineral content as in calcium, magnesium, nitrate, potassium and sodium can save their loss of hair. Hard water globally has been researched but still a lot of ambiguity exists whether this hard water participates or catalysis the process of hair loss.

LIASC has not only researched on the different consistency of water but have practically carried out many experiments to study the interaction and its effects on hair in detail.


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