Friday, 28 August 2015

It is unrealistic to expect excellence and quality when you fail to deliver as per the requirements. One just cannot improve or offer an edge to whatever they strive if they work or deliver beyond their capacities. It is when you push your limits, move a step further, takes pains in what you aim for, that you are able to deliver according to your expectations.

No less is the case of hair care and hair management. Hair care is all about maintenance and managing your hair. It’s all about cleanliness, care and the way you maintain your hair. Undoubtedly the hair of those who give thoughts to managing and maintaining their hair depict better results than the ones who disregard the suitability of the products according to their hair types.

Indeed it’s not only cleaning, oiling and protecting your hair but it’s about how you clean them, what shampoos and conditioners you use and what oils you apply? Do they really suit your hair type? or make them greasy? or whether they do ensure growth and nourishment? Hence it’s a step further to ensure hair nutrition and care.

At LIASC we provide step wise guidance for your hair to ensure that their health is maintained keeping in mind the facts about your hair. With the rise in the problems of hair thinning and hair fall, we at LIASC do cater to the field of hair transplantation employing the forward approach of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) however we revert to these measures only when required.

We at LIASC are firmly of the opinion that precaution is better than cure hence we take all it requires from us to ensure that the health of your hair can be revived through the most natural procedures without the need to use any surgical procedures.

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