Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Fear Balding?
Need a hair care solution urgently?
Is Hair Transplant your only way out?

The above questions and so many more are answered all by LIASC on your very First Visit! Yes you heard us right; you get all your answers to all hair care problems on the very First Visit!

A hair transplant is the buzz word of the current era. Many people today show up at LIASC who really don’t need a complete transplant anyway, and sometimes a few LIASC provided tonics or solutions is the best answer to their problems.

LIASC offers the best hair fall/care solutions to the entire market of the Middle East also. Numerous people have been treated in the Middle East by LIASC. Considering the weather conditions and climate, the people of Middle East face rapidly problems of hair fall and balding.

Usually Hair transplant has different methodologies which could be adopted to carry it out. It depends on our client’s discretion of what he/she adopts from the choices we have to offer. Our suggestions would always mean the most suitable solution for our valued clientele.

Hair Maintenance after a Hair Transplant surgery is one of the main requirement for retaining the texture and growth of the hair naturally. It is extremely important to take care of the newly grown hair after the procedure is done or otherwise the hair might fall prey to the same old problems.

A highly qualified and experienced staff is the basic competency at LIASC which makes our claim of providing solutions the very first time you visit us. It is simply the team of our experts which leave no stone unturned to discover your problems and provide you with the most pertinent solutions. So whether a transplant is your need or not LET LIASC HELP YOU DECIDE!


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