Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Hair transplant is a much hyped procedure of the present era. It has given much relief and relaxation to the people who by genetics or due to the way of life have lost much hair from their scalp. We at LIASC have addressed and catered to many businessmen, women, housewives and people from various fields complaining of continuous hair fall while looking for a pertinent solution.

However we at LIASC here on this platform specifically addressing the climate struck Middle East clients have offered suggestions to minimize the hair damage. Of the numerous suggestions to avoid the extreme condition and need of a transplant our experts have yet again a valuable suggestion to offer. It’s as usual a simple one and if once incorporated well can generate fruitful results.

Our panel of experts at LIASC suggests the use of conditioners. It is our firm belief that a conditioner of good quality retains the luster, health and smooth texture of the hair. For beautiful texture and shine a conditioner is a must however for hair which is already moist, avoidance of conditioner is a wise suggestion.

What we at LIASC specifically want to assure is that our clients residing in Middle East should monitor well the requirements of the hair subject to the conditions in which they are living. Sometimes over moisture in the environment causes the hair to sag and appear lifeless. This is due to profuse sweating which again plays a role in hair damage as it weakens the hair follicles.

Similarly dry and coarse conditions cause less retention of moisture in hair causing them to appear rough and misbalanced. In such cases it is highly advisable to use a good conditioner to keep the hair moist and healthy. It is our social responsibility of LIASC to share our concerns with our clients to specifically address each hair issue and concern.


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